Thursday, June 28, 2007

Race Issues

Today the Supreme Court ruled that using race as a basis for school placement is unconstitutional. On the radio here in Seattle, many people were complaining that this new ruling is going to limit 'diversity' and create problems. I am not racist, far from it. I have tried hard to take to heart the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Throughout the history of the world, there have been race issues, humans tend to favor like humans, right or wrong, it happens. The US today has what are likely the best relations between races that the world has ever known, but when people like me who are trying (quite successfully) to look beyond race are being called 'racists' by the minority communities it is a little offensive. What more can I do? Diversity can be good, it can also be bad, but when lawmakers arbitrarily force it on us, it keeps the race wound wide open. We are at a legal point where you cannot discriminate on the basis of race, and I think that is a good thing. But to go any further we have to cross a line where we begin to legislate how people think, and that is a line that we must not cross, because if we do, it will bring resentment and hostility from both sides of the issue and, quite likely, take us back to many of the problems that we had in the 1950's and 60's. It is time to stop legislating, and lets just live for a while being grateful that we are doing better on race issues than any other culture in the history of the world. I think the Supreme Court ruled wisely. Race issues will only stop when we stop making race an issue.

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