Monday, March 11, 2013

Bloomberg's 16oz Brain

Bloomberg's soda ban illustrates well the flawed thinking of the left. He is trying to stop the use of something by curbing its supply. This stems from the progressive belief that humans will be good if the system around them forces them to be good. Conservatives, on the other hand, understand that humans are often bad independent of the system around them, and tend to be good when the system acknowledges that they are often bad and accounts for that. 

Bloomberg approaches obesity with the idea that people drink too much soda only because it is available to them, and if it were restricted, they would drink less. The same flawed philosophy applies to gun control; Bloomberg believes that people commit gun crimes only because they have a gun. 

This fundamentally different view of humanity creates an unbridgeable chasm between the right and the left. Science, logic, history, and reason favor the right. We cannot argue with them, so they need to be removed from power.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Biggest Mistake Humans Make

The biggest mistake humans make is assuming that other people think like they do.  We tend to evaluate other's motives and intents based on our own.  This flawed thinking is particularly threatening in our current political discussion because it prevents true patriots from recognizing just how perilous our position is.  Allow me to elaborate using a few key issues.

The Economy:

I have had many conversations with people about the economy over the years, and when I have been talking to my fellow conservatives recently, they usually say some variation of "Obama and other Progressives are stupid.  They have no idea how the economy works."  Obama is not stupid.  He is a very intelligent man.  And progressives are a smart group group of people, they are well educated and sometimes border on brilliance.  So why do they handle the economy so stupidly?  It is only stupid if you assume that they want to save the economy, grow jobs, and increase wealth.  They DO know how the economy works, and they DO know how to build wealth (Obama is a millionaire, after all).  The point here is that they don't want to build wealth, they want to destroy it; they don't want to create jobs, they want to destroy them because it balloons the welfare state and builds their power base.

When we try to discuss or debate the economy with a progressive, we always do so under the assumption that we both want the economy to do well.  Communism (or progressivism, fundamental change, or whatever else you want to call it) has never been embraced by a free people, it has always risen from the ashes of what it replaced; so progressives need to make some ashes.  If they destroy the economy with terrible policy, crushing debt, and an ever-expanding welfare state, they can blame Capitalism for failing and offer communism as the only clear alternative.  Remember, progressives are not stupid.  They are TRYING to destroy the economy, and they are succeeding.

Gun Control:

Conservatives want there to be less crime, we want fewer victims, and we want freedom.  So when we debate with progressives, we always try to use statistics, logic, and real world examples to extoll the virtues of an armed populace.  Those arguments are iron-clad.  The fact that an armed populace reduces crime is beyond debate.  But as I have talked with other Conservatives, they will always accuse progressives of being stupid or overly emotional.

We conservatives assume that progressives also want there to be less crime, and less violence.  Progressives are very smart; they know that gun control will not reduce crime, in fact they know that it will increase it.  They want it to increase.  Progressives (especially Obama) also knows that pushing hard and fast for gun control is going to spark a revolt.  It will make the Patriots stand up and fight.  If he knows that, why is he still pushing?  I think they want a revolt.


Regulation cripples the economy, limits freedom, bloats the federal government, and becomes an impenetrable maze.  Some regulation is necessary, but too much is crippling.  Many Conservatives accuse progressives of being too stupid to understand this, and decry the fact that regulation is the first and only solution progressives ever have to a problem.

Again, we are assuming that progressives also want a strong economy, freedom, and limited government.  They are not stupid.  They realize that regulation allows them to overtly destroy the economy and then blame the destruction of evil businesses that refused to 'act responsibly'.  They also realize that regulations are the perfect vehicle to slowly strip away rights without raising too much alarm, after all, they are reasonable rules, right?  By making an impenetrable quagmire of regulations, it literally becomes impossible to follow them all.  This is by design, because when everyone is guilty, they can all be controlled.

Bringing it all together:

Progressives are not stupid.  Here is their plan:

Use crushing debt, welfare spending and expansion, and regulation to destabilize the economy.  As soon as over half of the citizens are dependent on the Federal Government for support, progressives will never lose an election.  Destroy jobs and businesses using policy and regulations (just watch what the EPA is doing to the energy sector.  And they haven't really started yet), and then blame Conservative Capitalists for being greedy and irresponsible, inciting the sentiment of those who are dependent on the government against capitalism.  This will create a lot of tension and divide the country by classes, which were invented by progressives.  Next, use regulation to make everybody guilty, but never enforce the existing laws.  This allows a great tool for blackmail, and coercion.  Guilty men are easily controlled.

With tentions running high and the economy teetering, use some high profile tragedies to push for gun control.  This will cause many Conservatives to turn in their guns to follow the law, but there will be many who won't.  They separate from society and are labeled domestic terrorists.  Meanwhile, criminals, many of whom have been recently released from prison due to budget issues, turn cities into war zones.  Since 80% of the population lives in cites, the outcry will be huge.

With all the pieces in place, all they need is a match.  Topple the economy completely, and incite riots in the cities, blame the violence on the Patriots who still own guns, and let the country rip itself apart.  As soon as those 80% are starving, and tired of the violence and rioting, they will beg the government to step in and save them.  Now DHS breaks out their 1.6 billion rounds of ammo and declares martial law.  Conservatives are killed or imprisoned, freedom is gone, and the progressives have their communist utopia.

Here is how we counteract it:

First off, everybody needs to read and understand the Constitution.  We all need to live by its principles.  We need to be a moral and virtuous people.  Nobody should give up their guns, but rather, we need to be ready to quell the riots in the streets of the cities.  We need to fight human nature and fight a mob without becoming one, stop plunderers without plundering, and maintain virtue in all times, and in all places.  We need to become a people worthy of our Constitution.

I fear it may be too late to save the economy, and I am pretty sure the progressives are going to ram through their gun control.  But if we can quell the riots so that the people do not beg the government to intervene, we can win.  If we all carry the Constitution in our hearts, and live worthy of that sacred document, we will win.