Monday, March 11, 2013

Bloomberg's 16oz Brain

Bloomberg's soda ban illustrates well the flawed thinking of the left. He is trying to stop the use of something by curbing its supply. This stems from the progressive belief that humans will be good if the system around them forces them to be good. Conservatives, on the other hand, understand that humans are often bad independent of the system around them, and tend to be good when the system acknowledges that they are often bad and accounts for that. 

Bloomberg approaches obesity with the idea that people drink too much soda only because it is available to them, and if it were restricted, they would drink less. The same flawed philosophy applies to gun control; Bloomberg believes that people commit gun crimes only because they have a gun. 

This fundamentally different view of humanity creates an unbridgeable chasm between the right and the left. Science, logic, history, and reason favor the right. We cannot argue with them, so they need to be removed from power.

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